Sunday 9 December 2012


I have just completed the CSWA Exam successfully. Scored 220/240, which is 91%. Although it was 3 hours long, time just flew by! I wish I could do another CSWA test (only if it was free).

Here is a screenshot of my results.

Passed on my first try, looks like David Planchard's CSWA exam preparation book was worth it at the end of the day.

Anyway below are screenshots of parts I modelled in the exam. I will ignore models from the exam that had small modifications.

Q4 and Q6 models

Q12, Q13 and Q14 models 

Q8 and Q10 Assembly

Saturday 8 December 2012

Solidworks tutorial chapter 4: advanced parts

These models are from David Planchard's Offical CSWA Exam book tutorial 4 on advanced parts.
Tutorials 4.1-4.7

Tutorials 4.8-4.9

Monday 8 October 2012

Solidworks tutorials

The pictures below are models designed  from the Official Certified Solidworks Associate Exam Book 1st Edition by David Planchard.
Chapter 3 Basic-Parts tutorials

Chapter 5-1 Assembly 

Chapter 5-2 Assembly

Chapter 5-3 Assembly

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Solidworks tutorials: my designed models

I am tackling Solidworks tutorials from the following
Below are pictures of the parts and assemblies modelled.

Tutorial 2.1-2.4

Tutorial 2.5-2.7 and Tutorial 3.1-3.2

Currently undertaking tutorials from Certified Solidworks 2008 Associate CSWA Exam Guide by David Planchard. The book can be bought from Amazon. Below are pictures of some of the tutorials I have covered.

Mass-Volume Tutorial 3.9-3.15

Manufactured 1:5 scale model for the MEng Project

The fully manufactured 1:5 scale model of the MEng Project.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sadik Hussain: MEng project, summary of CAD and FEA model

This page is a summary of my technical skills in CAD and FEA.

October 2011-May2012
MEng Project: Design of a Human Powered Aircraft (HPA) and manufacture of a 1:5 scale model.

The project consisted of two phases. First being the theoretical design and analysis of the actual HPA whilst the second was the 1:5 scale model to be manufactured. The purpose of the 1:5 scale model was to verify the aerodynamic data of the full scale, particularly the coefficient of lift, before its actual full scale design and manufacture next year.

Below is a fully assembled 3D CAD of the HPA scale model to be manufactured, drawn on Autodesk Inventor.
3D CAD of scale model HPA, drawn on Autodesk Inventor

The actual model drawn is similar to the scale model. The difference is the actual design has less structural members than the scale model. This was necessary to meet the mass requirements. In addition, the actual model consisted of sophisticated materials such as carbon fibre tubes for the spars whilst scale model consisted of rectangular steel sections.

Below is the actual model drawn on ABAQUS and simulated under calculated flight loads in static mode.

3D drawing of actual model, drawn on ABAQUS

Actual model under flight loads, simulated in static mode

Region of highest deflection