Monday 8 October 2012

Solidworks tutorials

The pictures below are models designed  from the Official Certified Solidworks Associate Exam Book 1st Edition by David Planchard.
Chapter 3 Basic-Parts tutorials

Chapter 5-1 Assembly 

Chapter 5-2 Assembly

Chapter 5-3 Assembly

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Solidworks tutorials: my designed models

I am tackling Solidworks tutorials from the following
Below are pictures of the parts and assemblies modelled.

Tutorial 2.1-2.4

Tutorial 2.5-2.7 and Tutorial 3.1-3.2

Currently undertaking tutorials from Certified Solidworks 2008 Associate CSWA Exam Guide by David Planchard. The book can be bought from Amazon. Below are pictures of some of the tutorials I have covered.

Mass-Volume Tutorial 3.9-3.15

Manufactured 1:5 scale model for the MEng Project

The fully manufactured 1:5 scale model of the MEng Project.